People celebrating the Lunar New Year in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2020



Common Core: RH.6-8.1, RH.6-8.4, RH.6-8.7, WHST.6-8.4, RI.6-8.1, RI.6-8.4, RI.6-8.7, W.6-8.4

NCSS: Culture • People, Places, and Environments • Global Connections


Time to Celebrate!

This photo doesn’t come with sound, but if it did, you’d be hearing an explosion of percussion: the pounding of drums, the clashing of cymbals, and the clanging of gongs. The costumed performers shown here are dancing to the beat in a colorful parade to celebrate the Lunar New Year in Bangkok, Thailand.

The Lunar New Year is a major holiday among many Asian cultures. It marks the start of the new year based on the cycles of the moon. (The New Year holiday that people celebrate on January 1 follows the Western calendar, which is based on the sun.)

The annual Lunar New Year celebration begins on the day of the first new moon of the lunar calendar. It ends 15 days later, when the first full moon arrives. The calendar date on which those days fall varies. This year, the Lunar New Year starts on February 1.

People in Asian communities honor their heritage during the holiday by holding special dinners and exchanging gifts. They also put on dances and parades, often with elaborate dragon or lion costumes. 

In the parade shown above, pairs of performers are dressed up as lions for a traditional lion dance. They mimic the big cats’ movements—leaping, tapping their paws, and moving their heads.

The ceremonial dance has special meaning. According to tradition, the lion dance keeps away evil spirits and brings about prosperity and good luck.

SKILL SPOTLIGHT: Analyzing Images

1. What part of the photograph first catches your eye? Why? 

2. What emotions does the image convey? How?

3. What surprises you about the photograph?


(n) the state of being successful, usually by making a lot of money


Hundreds of thousands of people flocked to California for a chance at prosperity after gold was discovered there in 1848.


(n) something that is passed down from generation to generation, such as traditions, beliefs, or property


Trina’s love of music is as much a part of her heritage as the cello she plays, which once belonged to her grandmother.

Skills Sheets (1)